Tutorial Bagaimana Cara Flash Android

Spreadtrum [UPGRADE] [FACTORY] [RESEARCH] Unduh R4.0.0001

Hi all, in this post I will share the best free software for flashing any spreadtrum CPU [chipset]. All peoples in the worlds known that tool is very useful for UPDRADE, DOWNGRADE, FLASHER any phone includes Android Smartphones.

Here the links unduh of them :

1. RESEARCH DOWNLOAD R4.0.0001  [Download Here] [Mediafre Link]

2. UPGRADE DOWNLOAD R4.0.0001  <=[Download Here

3. FACTORY DOWNLOAD R4.0.0001  <=[Download Here

Spreadtrum [UPGRADE] [FACTORY] [RESEARCH] Unduh R4.0.0001
Project List Supported  = 5735C,6531,6815A,7703,7715A,7730A,7730G,7731G,8730S,8830A,8830G,9620M,9830A,9836A,9820A,7720A,8820A

Just that's informations for today, hope can help someone when need the free flashtool for Spreadtrum Chipset.

*) Research Unduh tool is an softwares made by Spreadtrum comunication.inc for full credit this software / tools.
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